I stood in my living room Monday night surveying my apartment and doing a mental checklist: moped floors - check, picked up living room - check, cleaned bathroom -check, made jewelry - check, and the list goes on. My husband has been out having fun doing homework and projects, so after spending several hours playing any game I could find on Facebook (except vampire wars oddly enough) I had nothing to do (I don't have TV Channels).... so I picked up a book! About time!
So here I am, feeling pretty productive, but ultimately bored and in need of some adventure (and maybe some passion?) I found this little gem a friend had lent me -
Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian (
book 1 of 8 so far in the Midnight Breed Series - Any books under the name "breed" have to be awesome don't you think?). And I knew full well what I was getting myself into.
KoM is like any other vampire romance, and not to spoil it too much, but here is your standard outline for these things:
Meet human female - female has some issues and no guardians (can't have any attachments)
Meet hunky vampire male - Mentioned female probably doesn't know he is a vampire yet - only that she feels a strange draw to him and can't get him out of her mind.
Male vampire has issues - he is brooding and lonely and swears he will never fall in love
Female has some secret power or ability, or knack for something that makes her unique
Male Vampire finds female sexy but needs to protect her
Arguments need to occur - you know, because they are "getting to know each other"
Male vampire falls madly in love with her - for they were destined to be together
They live happily ever after
These events may happen in different orders - but the vampire needs to have a sexy weird name, in this case, Lucan - yes ladies - Lucan. I'm up for naming my first born son after him - what say you? And to highlight the "destiny factor" I even took the time to highlight a golden quote:
And in the back of his mind, an ancient conscience whispered that whoever she was, she already belonged to him
That was page 26 by the way - before their official meeting.
Nonetheless.... I couldn't put the book down. I knew it was ridiculous, I knew it was lame... but heck, I'm pretty lame myself and I am female after all. I thought Lucan was pretty hot and steamy, sometimes an ass (but hey, he's a "bad boy" Right?). I kind of skimmed over all the battle jargon and fighting events and secret squirrel stuff, but I was entertained, my mind easily used it as fantasy material, and I may even read the next 7 8 9 10 (11? 12? ... probably not).
To be honest, its pretty similar to
the Dark Ones Series. Each book features a different human chick and a different "vampire" but all of them are interlocked and all the females were destined to be mates for the fanged hunks.
So there you have it - Kiss of Midnight is not that unique (old vampires covered in pretty "markings" is kind of cool though) but it held my attention and was a guilty read.