If I had adolescent girls I would definitely be much more comfortable having them read this books than that other popular teen girl vampire book.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Review: The Otherworldlies
If I had adolescent girls I would definitely be much more comfortable having them read this books than that other popular teen girl vampire book.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Review: The Vampire's Secret
Thursday, January 29, 2009
More Than Fiction
In case you haven't come across them yet, there are a some awesome blogs dedicated to the scientific and historical facts, myths, and rumors. Check them out! There is some interesting stuff out there. These are some of my favorite:
Diary of an Amateur Vampirologist:
Magia Posthuma:
"On several occasions, particularly on the periphery of the Habsburg Empire during the 17th and 18th centuries, dead people were suspected of being revenants or vampires, and consequently dug up and destroyed. Contemporary authors named this phenomenon Magia Posthuma. This blog is dedicated to understanding what happened and why"
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Review - Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and Van Helsing
I'm sure everyone knows the basic plot of this prequel, so I will skip the summary.
Overall I quite enjoyed the movie; I only have a couple complaints:
1. Who created some of the vampire's outfits and what were they thinking? I didn't realize that painted on paints and bra tops were fashionable back then.
2. The vampires were a sorry bunch. Their fighting skills were pretty much non-existent.
3. To try not and spoil it, I will just say - why couldn't she go out the window?
I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would. If I remembered the second Underworld I probably would say I enjoyed the prequel more. I think one of my favorite characters was Raze, writer, producer, and actor of Underworld; Kevin Grevioux. Lucian (Michael Sheen) was quite charming as well.
I also watched Van Helsing this weekend.
For old time sake, (and nothing was on TV) I watched Van Helsing. The last time I had seen this movie was when it was in the theaters. It was hard to watch again.
While I love Hugh Jackman and vampires and all that good stuff, sleep seemed more appealing than to finish the movie. The special effects are pretty bad and the acting (even if they are acting satirical) was kind of atrocious.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Vampire's Seduction
Thursday, January 22, 2009
One More Bite
I finally was able to get Jennifer Rardin's One More Bite (book 5 of the Jaz Parks Series) which came out January 5th. My guy picked it up for me on Tuesday. For some reason Borders said they wouldn't get it until next week though... but Barnes and Noble had it!
I've been looking forward to reading this book and had plans to buy it the day it came out, but it didn't work that way. I was even more excited to read it after Rardin kindly agreed to do an interview!
In OMB Jaz, Vayl, Cole, and an Uninvited guest travel to a remote Bed and Breakfast to kill the enemy of their enemies ally (say that 10x fast!). Jaz must focus on the mission at hand even though there is lots of things to keep her distracted and run her off track (who wants to try and save your enemy?).
The team acts under the guise of attending GhostCon to make more contacts for the business of “laying ghosts to rest” and they get a lot more than they bargained for! Ghosts, witches, action, danger, and maybe a little bit of romance make this book hard to put down and an enjoyable read!
I think this is my favorite Jaz Parks book yet. Jaz seems to be more comfortable in her own skin and able to deal better with all the bad stuff in her past. She is recognizing that she can’t run from others anymore and begins to open herself up again to her friends. She is still funny and stubborn though!
My favorite quote from Jaz is when she is thinking about how hot her vampire boss is even with the gold earring/spy equipment:
Maybe it was his Rom ancestry or Bergman’s sunscreen, but I thought he looked freaking hot. Kinda like Jake Gyllenhaal with fangs and a shudder-to-think-of-it past.(page 76).
I like the Jaz Parks books for several reasons:
Hot vampire character
Strong and independent female lead character
Dangerous spy action
Great characters
Jaz is hilarious
Storyline is well developed
Book is well written
It’s not all about shallow women and hunky vampires having copious amounts of sex because they can’t live without each other.
You want to read more!
This book is fun to read, there is a bit of romance, but it is not a romance! The characters are strong and independent and they don’t jump into bed with each other (even though you sometimes wish they did!). Those that are romantically linked develop relationships before they start pawing each other… which is a nice change. Now, in book 5, relationships have had a chance to be established and grow, and quoting Rardin, “there is a lot of heavy breathing going during One More Bite—and not all of it takes place after foot chases!” I won’t say any more - go read it for yourself!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Twilight, Trueblood, and Other Similar Stories...
Coincidences happen. I get emails pretty frequently that have essentially this message: “So and so’s book has motorcycle gang werewolves in it, and so did yours. You should look into this. So and so’s copying off of you!” I’m sure people sent the same email to Laurell K. Hamilton when my first books came into print.
The truth is, there are few really original ideas under the sun. There are similarities between many books in the urban fantasy genre. If you get vampires, werewolves, and heroines with a supernatural trait, and they’re all tossed together, some of the results are going to be the same.
I did some lightning plotting last week about a book I want to write. I’m fascinated by cemeteries, and I thought it would be interesting to write a book set in a cemetery. I imagined the protagonist, a girl raised by ghosts in a cemetery, and I began figuring out how she’d live, how she’d avoid being taken in by the state and put in a group home, and what she would do to pass her days in such a lifeless place.
Then I went on Amazon and clicked on Fiction, then on Cemetery, and found that Neil Gaiman has already written a book with a similar premise.
So, what do I do now? Let my lovely idea go? Buy the Gaiman book, and read it enviously? Purchase every copy on earth and burn it?
Can I salvage my own idea? I haven’t decided yet. I would have been happier if I hadn’t checked, I think.
But when when my book was completed, it would have been a rude shock when someone asked me if I hadn’t read Neil Gaiman’s book. I haven’t, and I won’t, in case I decide to go ahead with my own, though the temptation is strong. I admire his writing – who doesn’t? Gaiman (whom I’ve met twice, very briefly) is a living legend.
It’s a hard call, but luckily I’ve got plenty of time to think about it. I’ve got two short stories, a lot of editing, and another novel lined up when I finally send in GRAVE SECRET, which is close to completion. By then I’ll have made up my mind, and I’ll either write CEMETERY GIRL . . . or I won’t.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Review of Episode 1-2 of Freeze - a Korean Vampire Mini-Drama
Lee Suh-Jin and Ji Woo cross paths again and this time Ji Woo tries to warm his heart and get him to open up. Ihwa becomes quite left out and blood supplies run short while a killer is draining the blood of it’s victims.
Because this mini-series is in Korean with English subtitles it was a little hard to understand exactly what was going on (is she his sire? Is her mother his old love? Does he think she is her daughter?). We think we have it figured out after watching the third episode.
I enjoyed it, I think Nichole enjoyed it as well, our husbands – not so much. Freeze is like a soap opera (doesn’t seem as cheesy because it’s subtitled) and the only way you know they are vampires is because they have to drink some blood/wine mixture. They can go out into the light, you don’t see any fangs, and you don’t really see them bite anyone either. The boys wanted more action and less angst.
The young girl annoyed me throughout most of the show. She is about 17 and acts like a monkey sometimes – grabbing things, touching things, not letting go of things, etc. We also go back and forth in the beginning whether he thinks she is his daughter or if they see each other in a romantic sort of way, which I think will play out in episode 4. Buffy and Angel had a big age difference right?
Freeze was different than the other vampire TV shows and movies I have seen recently so I was glad to spend a few hours watching it. It’s a little slow moving, with not a lot (or none at all) action. I look forward to watching the rest of the episodes (without the boys).
Friday, January 16, 2009
For Fun.... Spoofs...
I don't watch Gossip Girl but I might have been more inclined to watch Twilight if Ed Westwick played Edward...
It is a lot harder to find True Blood Parodies (just sayin)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Goals for the New Year and Coming Soon
I would like to read at least 100 books for the year
Blog at least 3 times a week
Watch at least 5 vampire related movies
Finish Dracula and The Vampyre
Wish list:
Varney the Vampire
Dance of the Vampire - (to watch)
To watch Let the Right One In. I was hoping it was still playing when I was in Southern California last week, but it wasn't.
Books I’ve requested at the library or that I need to buy:
One More Bite- Book 5 of the Jaz Parks Series which came out January 5th - I was gone on vacation and I haven't had a chance to buy it!
In my waiting list at the library:
Feast of Fools – Morganville Vampires Book 4
Vampire Academy
Vampire Diaries
Raven Hart's vampire series
Coming soon:
If you haven't already read it, Charlaine Harris' first chapter to Dead and Gone is up on her site. Read it here.
White Witch Black Curse- Book 7 of the Rachel Morgan books comes out February 2009
Bone Crossed - Book 4 of Mercy Thompson Series Comes out February 2009
As Shadows Fade - Book 5 of the Gardella Vampire Chronicals comes out March 2009
Dead and Gone - Book 9 of the Sookie Series comes out in May 2009
Royal Blood - Book 6 of Vampire kisses comes out May 2009
Skin Trade - Book 17 of Anita Blake Books June 2009
Royal Kisses - Vampire Kisses Book 6 comes out Summer 2009
While on Laurell K. Hamilton's site I saw this Penny Arcade comic posted on her news and updates. At least she has a sense of humor about it.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Movie Reviews: The Fearless Vampire Killers and Club Vampire - The good and the bad

I wouldn't suggest attempting to watch it - unless you have to bring a bad movie to a party, then this may be a good choice.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2008 Books Read
81 - Incubus Dreams (Anita Book 12) 9/18
80 - Cerulean Sins (Anita Book 11) 9/12
79 - One Quick Bite (Argeneau Vamps, book 1) 9/10
78 - Bitten to Death (Jaz Parks Book 4) 9/8
77 - When Twilight Burns (Gardella Vampires Book 4) 9/4
76 - Narcissus in Chains (Anita Book 10) 9/1
75 - Obsidian Butterfly (Anita Blake Book 9) 8/27
74 - Blue Moon (Anita Blake Book 8) 8/24
73 - The Last of the Red Hot Vampires (Dark Ones Book 5) 8/24
72 - Even Vampires Get the Blues (Dark Ones Book 4) 8/22
71 - Sex Lies, and Vampires (Dark Ones Book 3) 8/20
70 - Burnt Offerings (Anita Blake Book 7) 8/19
69 - The Killing Dance (Anita Blake Book 6) 8/18
68 - Bride of Casa Dracula (Mil book 3) 8/16
67 - Bloody Bones (Anita Blake Book 5) 8/14
66 - The Lunatic Cafe (Anita Blake Book 4) 8/13
65 - Circus of the Damned (Anita Blake Book 3) 8/11
64 - The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake Book 2) 8/9
63 - Guily Pleasures (Anita Blake Book 1) 8/8
62 - Blood Noir (Anita Blake Book 16) 7/29
61 - Sex and the Single Vampire (Dark Ones Book 2) 7/23
60 - Dance with a Vampire (Vamp Kisses book 4) 7/19
59 - All Soul's Night (Blood Ties book 4) 6/4
58- Midnight Brunch (Mil Book 2) 6/2
57 - Happy Hour at Casa Dracula (Mil Book 1) 5/28
56 - A Girl's Guide to Vampires (Dark ones book 1) 5/27
55- The Bleeding Dusk (Gardella Book 3) 5/20
54 - Rises the Night (Gardella Book 2) 5/19
53- The Rest Falls Away (Gardella book 1) 5/16
52 - Vampireville (Raven Book 3) 5/15
51 - Kissing Coffins (Raven Book 2) 5/14
50 - Vampire Kisses (Raven Book 1) 5/14
49 - Kitty and the Silver Bullet (Kitty Book 4) 5/12
48 - Kitty Takes a Holiday (Kitty Book 3) 5/11
47 - Kitty Goes to Washington (Kitty Book 2) 5/10
46 - Kitty and the Midnight Hour (Kitty Book 1) 5/7
45 - From Dead to Worse (Sookie Stackhouse Book 8!!!) 5/6
44 - Midnight Alley (Morganville Vamps Book 3) 5/5
43 - Dead Girls Dance (Morganville Vamps Book 2) 5/5
42 - Glass Houses (Morganville Vamps Book 1) 5/4
41 - Claimed by Shadow (Cass Palmer Book 2) 4/23
40 - Dead Sexy (Garney Lacy book 2) 4/19
Reread all of the Sookie Stackhouse books (4-9-4/15)
39 - Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson Book 3) 4/8
38 - Ashes to Ashes (Blood Ties Book 3) 4/2
37 - Posession (Blood Ties Book 2) 3/30
36 - The Turning (Blood Ties Books 1) 3/26
35 - Real Vampires Live Large (Glory Book 1) 3/21
34-Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson Book 2) 3/18
33- Moon Called (Mercy Thompson book 1) 3/18
32- Touch the Dark (Cass Palmer Book 1) 3/14
31- Fledgling 3/13
30- Bloodline (book 2: the reckoning) 3/11
29- Bloodline (book 1) 3/10
28- Tall Dark and Dead (Garnet Lacy book 1) 3/8
27- Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires Book 2) 3/7
26- High Stakes (Vegas Vampires book 1) 3/6
25- The Outlaw Demon Wails (Rachel Morgan Book 6) 3/5
24- Biting the Bullet (Jaz Parks book 3) 2/29
23- Eclipse (Twilight Saga book 3) 2/28
22- New Moon (Twilight Saga Book 2) 2/27
21- Twilight (Twilight Saga book 1) 2/27
20- Another One Bites the Dust (Jaz Parks Book 2) 2/26
19- Once Bitten Twice Shy (Jaz Parks Book 1) 2/25
18- All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse Book 7) 2/24
17- Definitely Dead (Sookie Stackhouse Book 6) 2/23
16- Dead as Doornail (Sookie Stackhouse Book 5) 2/21
15- Dead to the World (Sookie Stackhouse Book 4) 2/21
14- Club Dead (Sookie Stackhouse Book 3) 2/20
13- Living Dead in Dallas (Sookie Stackhouse Book 2) 2/19
12- Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse Book 1) 2/14
11- For a Few Demons More (Rachel Morgan, Book 5) 2/12
10- A Fistful of Charms (Rachel Morgan, Book 4) 2/11
9- Every Which Way But Dead (Rachel Morgan, Book 3) 2/10
8- The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (Rachel Morgan, Book 2) 2/9
7- Dead Witch Walking (Rachel Morgan, Book 1) 2/7
5-6 The Blood Books, Vol. 3 (Blood Debt / Blood Bank)
3-4 The Blood Books, Vol. 2 (Blood Lines / Blood Pact)
1-2 The Blood Books, Vol. 1 (Blood Price / Blood Trail)